Flash Fiction Month
Follow me along the Flash Fiction Month 2022: 30 days, 30 stories between 55 and 1000 words, tons of challenges and loads of prompts.
Like or comment on all the stories in November for the chance to win a prize!
Photo by Patrick Tomasso on Unsplash

30/11/2022 - The Faceless Photographer
There’s a faceless photographer following me everywhere. He has fabric over his skull and long, scrawny fingers covered in rings. He takes pictures of my life, of whatever I want to remember, but never looks at them. He just takes the picture and waits for the next memorable moment.

29/11/2022 - The Riddle of the Eggs
I finally know what I have to face.
It’s just math, it’s a puzzle, and I’m really good at puzzles.

28/11/2022 - The Phone Call
Looking out toward the dark silhouette of the city, craving my phone more than ever, the man’s voice became a good enough entertainment, as he was loud, and although I couldn’t hear what the person on the phone was saying—his massive hand was enveloping the entire device—the man in front of me was doing most of the talking.

27/11/2022 - Yo-Yo
Kathryn had a bad feeling about the mission, but she’d always been a worrier, so nobody thought much of it.

26/11/2022 - Rick & Morty – The speed-date planet for three-breasted people
“Why'd you leave the keys upon the table? You know I’m training Reverse-Key-Pooper. He’s going to stick those keys up his ass, Morty. You screwed up big time Morty.”

25/11/2022 - The Cruelty Of Nature
Madley escaped the venue from the bathroom window. She would have never been able to fit through that small opening if she hadn’t been on the strictest diet for the past three months, and the silky wedding dress helped her slide away from the ceremony.

22/11/2022 - Don't Ask Me Why
They ask me why I paint my nails when the wall of my kitchen is open to the sky.

21/11/2022 - Summer on Earth
Humans are weird. They do things, all sorts of things, believing they do them for a reason that’s simply not there.

20/11/2022 - A Women’s Job
They used all the chairs in the village to prepare for the attack.

18/11/2022 - The Lady In Chains
They called it “The Altar of Gifts,” and some thought it was the main responsible for ending the war. We were among the first to be sent there after the conflict and had gathered concerning stories from the locals.

17/11/2022 - Today’s Earnings
They wouldn’t accept coins in the bar. At least, not her coins.

16/11/2022 - The Things We Do In The Name Of Love
I knew I had to destroy her if I wanted to have a shot at my share of the inheritance, but when grandpa died, I realised it was too late.

15/11/2022 - Just a Stupid Soldier
At first, they diagnosed me with OCD, then, after what they called “the voices” started, with paranoid schizophrenia—quite common among space troopers—but when it became clear the medications were not working, I knew the doctors had made a horrible mistake.

14/11/2022 - Gullible White Bloke
Michael had never accomplished anything in his life, but he believed—in that delusional way some men are convinced of their worth, even without evidence—that he deserved more.

13/11/2022 - The Perfect Job
Delicious food, breath-taking scenery, good money, and easy life as, even during my worst day, I’m so much better than their second-best player.
There’s one thing I didn’t consider when I signed, though, and that’s how crazily involved are fans in such a tiny community.

11/11/2022 - Giant Monsters
The ship crashed against the pier, turning to one side and toppling; spilling its content in the shallow waters of the port, like interiors from a gutted fish.