17/11/2022 - Today’s Earnings
Reading time: 1 min
Photo by Pascal Bernardon on Unsplash
They wouldn’t accept coins in the bar. At least, not her coins.
Summer was hot, the sun filled the stones of the city squeezing out their heavy smell of ages, and all Mara was asking for was a Fanta from the fridge.
She’d never tried one. Her mother wouldn’t allow her. Even if they could afford it, she used to say, you can’t be seen begging in the streets with a fuzzy drink in your hands.
Mara sat by the fountain, her poor earnings in one palm, and threw them in the water, wishing for her mum to get better.
About this story
Prompt: Use exactly 100 words
Notes on the challenge
Each and every story published here has been written, reviewed, polished and published in less than 90 minutes. Which means you’re going to find spelling mistakes, ugly sentences and weird structures. I still hope you’ll enjoy them!