11/11/2022 - Giant Monsters
Reading time: 1 min
Photo by Alwi Alaydrus on Unsplash
The ship crashed against the pier, turning to one side and toppling; spilling its content in the shallow waters of the port, like interiors from a gutted fish.
Only one survivor emerged from the metal carcass. They found him hidden in a washing machine, in total shock and unable to talk. The rest of the crew was lost. A few men—not an easy task understanding how many—had been dismembered and their remains piled into the kitchen. Others had been shot in their cots, while asleep, and a trail of destruction cut the ship in two, making it obvious where the murderers had started and where they’d finished, escaping in the lifeboats.
Inspector Gabr shook the survivor, screamed at him, offered him food and tea, but he could not speak. The only word he managed to mumble was: “Animals.”
Officer Andrea joined the inspector in the waiting room. He was watching the port, the toppled ship, the crumbling concrete, the fallen buildings. It was as if a bomb had exploded.
Andrea brought with him the reports. People missing, certified deaths, property damage. The ship’s captain was a veteran, a celebrity, and he was probably behind all this.
“The press is here,” Andrea said. “What do we tell them?”
“Giant monsters,” Gabr said.
“Giant monsters destroyed the ship, and the port.”
“I’m not sure people will believe such a story, sir.”
“Humans love to blame monsters for the atrocities they commit themselves. They’ll believe if it will help them sleep at night.”
About this story
Prompt: no prompt
Notes on the challenge
Each and every story published here has been written, reviewed, polished and published in less than 90 minutes. Which means you’re going to find spelling mistakes, ugly sentences and weird structures. I still hope you’ll enjoy them!