15th Day - Bombing Baking
Reading time: 0 min
Photo by Diana Polekhina on Unsplash
The second most important ingredient is silence. I know it’s counterintuitive; you’re baking the magic cake to get silence, but you also need silence to bake it. It goes without saying, baking the cake during bombing time is hard, but not impossible, and this is because of the third ingredient to make it magical. I know, I know: with your husband in the trench, where do you find it?
The third ingredient is distraction. You don’t want your children to notice you’re baking; the last time they ate something was Monday, when the soldiers dispensed bread, and you don’t want them around when you mix the cornflour with the fine gravel of the driveway, or the sand of the yard. As a distraction, you can use a ball made of socks, or the skull of your neighbour.
For the first ingredient, you need to go to town and pick the poisonous weed behind the pharmacy. It will make your hands peel off, but it’s a small price to pay. Show it to the pharmacist and he’ll thank you with a bag of salt from the cupboard. When he’s not looking, grab the sleeping pills. Use the entire package and your kids will snooze through the bombing.