Cal Newport’s Tips to Read More
Recently, I stumbled upon two snippets of Cal Newport’s podcast, the Deep Dive, and I thought that his tips to read more were astonishingly good.

Why you should read fiction in times of war
Reading has already been proven to be the best trick to play on your brain when you can’t actually do the thing you’re reading about.
Reading fiction, in particular, because of this superpower the written word has over our brains’ plasticity, is the best way to build emotional intelligence.

How to write your first novel
During my first year of university, I decided I wanted to write a novel. So I thought about a story, opened up a word document and—BOOM—believe it or not, two years later the novel was still unwritten.
After years of writing consistently in the gaps of a busy life, I think I found a set of tricks that work very well for me, keeping my writing nearly consistent even during the most challenging times.