Why you should read fiction in times of war
Reading has already been proven to be the best trick to play on your brain when you can’t actually do the thing you’re reading about.
Reading fiction, in particular, because of this superpower the written word has over our brains’ plasticity, is the best way to build emotional intelligence.

5 Newsletters I’m not ready to unsubscribe from in 2022
While I try to summon the digital spirit of Marie Kondo—I needed a Christmas Miracle to go through my Instapaper list of articles—I unsubscribed from all the newsletters I didn’t have time to read, remaining with only 5 worthy survivors.

5 Magazines that Have Rejected Me in 2021
even if none of the magazines listed below published me, they all kindly replied letting me know that they had at least read my submission. Some of them sent back words of encouragement, some have been a bit more robotic; but they all replied.

Top 10 Books of 2021
Another year, another endless list of books I was supposed to pick up, a list of books I never finished and, though not as long as the other two, a list of books I have indeed read.