Fear of the AI
I don’t know if you’ve heard about the new, exciting tool issued by Open AI, ChatGPT, but, apparently, it reached one million users in five days. (This, by the way, was my worst attempt at sarcasm. Of course you have heard of it. Who hasn’t?)

The Problem With Beliefs
The problem with belief and identity is double-edged. If you want to do something that clashes with your identity, it’s going to be very hard for you to pick up the habit, but at the same time, picking up a new habit is the only way to reshape your identity.

Why you should read fiction in times of war
Reading has already been proven to be the best trick to play on your brain when you can’t actually do the thing you’re reading about.
Reading fiction, in particular, because of this superpower the written word has over our brains’ plasticity, is the best way to build emotional intelligence.

The Paradox of Tolerance
The paradox of tolerance, famously associated with the philosopher Karl Popper, but approached in countless shapes and forms by many others both before and after him, states that an all-tolerant society can only be stripped of its tolerance in the end.

The day I woke up to war in Ukraine
Russia is a nuclear superpower. I’m no weapon expert, nor a nuclear physicist, but I know why a nuclear arsenal is called a “deterrent,” as anyone with some basic education does. And yet, I also know that their capacity for destruction is so abysmal, so enormous, that my comprehension of it can only scratch the surface of what it means.

How Horror Found Me
“I wrote a story about life; about all the things that cannot be changed. I wrote about my fears and I tried to scare myself off writing it. And I did it. “