The Problem With Beliefs
The problem with belief and identity is double-edged. If you want to do something that clashes with your identity, it’s going to be very hard for you to pick up the habit, but at the same time, picking up a new habit is the only way to reshape your identity.

How Bullet Journaling Changed My Life
I can’t lie, I am a spoiled brat, but even I could see that during lockdown I was in a privileged situation, and I was ready to do whatever it took to take advantage of it.
Enter, the Bullet Journal.

5 Newsletters I’m not ready to unsubscribe from in 2022
While I try to summon the digital spirit of Marie Kondo—I needed a Christmas Miracle to go through my Instapaper list of articles—I unsubscribed from all the newsletters I didn’t have time to read, remaining with only 5 worthy survivors.