How to write your first novel
During my first year of university, I decided I wanted to write a novel. So I thought about a story, opened up a word document and—BOOM—believe it or not, two years later the novel was still unwritten.
After years of writing consistently in the gaps of a busy life, I think I found a set of tricks that work very well for me, keeping my writing nearly consistent even during the most challenging times.

How Bullet Journaling Changed My Life
I can’t lie, I am a spoiled brat, but even I could see that during lockdown I was in a privileged situation, and I was ready to do whatever it took to take advantage of it.
Enter, the Bullet Journal.

5 Newsletters I’m not ready to unsubscribe from in 2022
While I try to summon the digital spirit of Marie Kondo—I needed a Christmas Miracle to go through my Instapaper list of articles—I unsubscribed from all the newsletters I didn’t have time to read, remaining with only 5 worthy survivors.

How to Set Writing Goals
If you don't have a 50,000 words manuscript saved on your preferred cloud storage service, you have failed NaNoWriMo. You've set a too ambitious writing goal and for some reason, you couldn't deliver. Just like me.