How Bullet Journaling Changed My Life
I can’t lie, I am a spoiled brat, but even I could see that during lockdown I was in a privileged situation, and I was ready to do whatever it took to take advantage of it.
Enter, the Bullet Journal.

3 Lessons from “Scenes from a Marriage,” by Hagai Levi
Last weekend, just before my (non-English-speaking) mother in law came to visit, my wife and I devoured "Scenes from a Marriage," directed by Hagai Levi and starring Oscar Isaac and Jessica Chastain. We loved it so much, we ended up preparing the spare room in the middle of the night—which, for us, starts at 11 pm.

How to Set Writing Goals
If you don't have a 50,000 words manuscript saved on your preferred cloud storage service, you have failed NaNoWriMo. You've set a too ambitious writing goal and for some reason, you couldn't deliver. Just like me.