Why Quantity Leads to Quality
The more I dived into writing, the more I understood the concept that “Quantity leads to quality,” but I needed to find my own “pottery class” to fully appreciate how improvement and practice are closely linked, even in subjective pursuits, like art.

The 5 stages of Novel Writing
2021 started without a major project. I had time to polish a few short stories and learn more about the craft of writing, yes, but I was yearning for a new novel I could fall in love with.
You could say that, in a sense, I was grieving the absence of a worthwhile big commitment; something that would last for months, or years, and that required tons of research, frustration, euphoria, self-doubt and courage.

5 Magazines that Have Rejected Me in 2021
even if none of the magazines listed below published me, they all kindly replied letting me know that they had at least read my submission. Some of them sent back words of encouragement, some have been a bit more robotic; but they all replied.