The Helsinki Bus Station Theory
The Helsinki Bus Station Theory is a popular metaphor used by the Finnish photographer Arno Rafael Minkkinen to explain the artistic journey towards originality.
It is powerful.
It is true.
And I live by it.
26 hours on the road with my wife, baby and dog
I’m ok.
I am, seriously, but I’ve been awake too many hours in the last 3 days to write a full-length article; I hope you’ll understand.
Instead, I wanted to share the fact that even my life is following the 3 act structure.
How? I’m glad you asked
Why Quantity Leads to Quality
The more I dived into writing, the more I understood the concept that “Quantity leads to quality,” but I needed to find my own “pottery class” to fully appreciate how improvement and practice are closely linked, even in subjective pursuits, like art.
What Happens at a Great Writing Festival
A second-person account of my day at the I AM Writing Festival, Winchester, in June.
That’s a festival like no others, and the amazing Sarah and Elane managed to exceed my already sky-high expectations.
I hope to see you all there next year!