Francsart 1st Birthday
The Most Popular Articles of the Year
Reading time: 2 min
Photo by Angèle Kamp on Unsplash
Happy Birthday!
Almost exactly one year ago; on the 1st of September 2021, I published my very first story on this website.
Since then, I’ve uploaded another 75 posts—some fiction, some book reviews and summaries, and some articles—and the blog has received almost 4,000 views in 365 days.
If you do the math, it works out to around 11 views a day, which is next to nothing, but the feedback has been so good and the process of coming up with ideas so much fun that it kept me going even during the darkest, most manic weeks.
If you’ve read even just one line of one post; thank you.
Also, I’m not done.
I took a break from the website in August for two reasons;
First, I was on holiday. Yes, even writers take days off, and being in Italy with my family for the first time in two years helped me detach a little from the screen.
Second, I was working on something else.
Me on Holiday
Back in June, two literary agents showed interest in the novel I’ve been writing since last November, and at the time I hadn’t even finished the first draft. Which means I’m doing my best to come up with a presentable, finished version to show them before they forget about me. If you’ve ever written or tried to write a novel, you’ll know it requires time. Loads of time. Time I had to steal from, unfortunately, this website.
But I’m back on track, baby!
I’m approaching the final draft and I’m now settled into my old UK routines. My pond* is full of ideas and I can’t wait to share them with the world, or at least the incredibly tiny portion of the world that follows me.
Stay Tuned
As with anything that has been going on for a while, I thought it was about time to snip together a clip show.
What follows is the list of the 5 most read articles of the past year and the 5 most read stories.
By all means, those are not the best nor my favourite, but it appears they are your favourites.
And stay tuned, I’m working on a newsletter as we speak, and for the subscribers of the first month there will be a prize extraction.
Alla prossima.
Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante on Unsplash
My Most Popular Posts 2021/2022
*The metaphorical pond I’m talking about is my creativity, or idea pond, as wonderfully explained by Julia Cameron in her book: The Artist’s Way
Photo by Wilhelm Gunkel on Unsplash